Notice: iPad/iPhone WiFi Issues

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Key Features and Benefits


Download a datasheet for SEAiq Pilot

SEAiq Pilot is the most powerful navigation software available, designed specifically for use by pilots. It is widely adopted in ports and pilotage areas around the world.

  • Comprehensive navigation and piloting features: routes, tracks, VRM, EBL, clearing lines, mariners notes, etc.
  • Support for all major platforms: Apple iPads/iPhones, Windows, and Apple MacOS.
  • Support for all pilot plug and PPU devices.
  • Support all standard chart formats including S-63, S-57, iENC, and BSB/KAP.
  • Automatic chart download/update for vector and raster charts from NOAA and US Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Automatic chart download/update from PRIMAR, ChartWorld, Admiralty (UKHO).
  • NMEA and AIS: Support for WiFi pilot plugs and PPUs. Bluetooth plugs are supported on most platforms. Connect to both pilot plug and to shore-based AIS at the same time. Free AIS world-wide data feed.
  • NMEA/AIS record and playback: Automatically record all vessel movements and playback later at normal or 10x speed
  • Powerful true-scale vessel display: Predicted course, predicted vessel position, swept path, AIS vessel types, estimated squat and pivot point.
  • Real-time status bar selects from 35 panels to display key information based on situation.
  • Docking Aids: Show distance and speed to user selected fenders and single point moorings. Both graphical and textual displays.
  • Pilot Logbook: Record events during pilotages. Automatically saves time, own-ship status, route, and nearby AIS targets. Add camera images and screenshots. Print logbook from iPad or archive via email and other methods.
  • Collision Avoidance: graphical CPA, BCD, meeting points, trial ROT, trial SOG, alarms.
  • Grounding Avoidance: depth contours, tidal adjustment, hi-res bathymetric ENCs.
  • Route planning: ETAs, goal times, speed limits, passing restrictions.
  • Mariners Tools with VRM, EBL, clearing lines, and mariners notes. Mariners notes have choice of over 50 symbols. Lines or polygons in user-selected colors and styles.
  • Simple import of existing routes. Supported formats include GPX, RTU, RT3, RTZ, CSV, Nacos Platinum, and Sam Electronics.
  • Additional features: weather, anchor alarm, free satellite imagery charts, etc.
  • All documentation (both online and PDF) is available here


Read more about features here.