Notice: KSNTek WiFi Disconnect Issue
If you are using IOS 18 or later on your iPad/iPhone and experiencing periodic WiFi disconnects, please see these Instructions.
Notice: iPad/iPhone WiFi Issues
If you are using IOS 14 or later on your iPad/iPhone and experiencing problems connecting to WiFi devices, please see these Instructions.
Purchase from App Store
Customers who want to purchase SEAiq Pilot from one of the various app stores can do so using the links in the side bar. For Microsoft Windows, SEAiq Pilot is only available as part of an Enterprise Subscription.
Download for Enterprise Subscription
Customers with an Enterprise Subscription may download SEAiq Pilot using the link below. These require an Enterprise Subscription in order to fully activate.
Without the subscription, most of the settings are disabled. You can download and display free charts for USA, both vector and raster.
As part of your Enterprise Subscription account creation, you will receive an email with an account activation file attached to it. You will need this file in order to complete your installation and we recommend saving this email in case you need it later.
Downloads for Testers
We make pre-release software available for users interested in testing new features. These are free downloads, but require an Enterprise Subscription account in order to use.
For active testers that stay up to date with our test versions and provide regular feedback, we may be able to provide a complimentary Enterprise Subscription account.
Test versions of SEAiq will appear to be separate from the release versions. This is intended to allow testers to have both a official release and a pre-release.
Please find these downloads here for Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS. Follow the same instructions as above. For Apple iPad and iPhone, please follow these instructions .